ERGOCURE® @Schools focuses on Education where ergonomics can make a significant contribution but the application of ergonomics to education has received only limited attention.
Schools contains many different ‘elements’, ranging from micro to macro ergonomic in nature such as School equipment - (desks, chairs, computers, laptops, books, schoolbags, pens, uniforms, and equipment used for sport and in the gymnasium and playground), Work – (learning, teaching and playing) – spaces (desk/chair/workspace arrangements, lockers), School facilities/environments - (classrooms, laboratories, libraries, corridors, playgrounds staffroom, physical factors such as heating, cooling, lighting, noise, building design and the internet) and school organisation - (subjects/topics, curricula, learning/teaching methods and pedagogy, school-day length and timing, study durations, timetable, rest breaks, physical activities, departmental structures, governance, school rules, personal security, human rights, school and national policies, educational priorities, internationalization, globalization).
ERGOCURE® @Schools focuses on engaging schools & identify areas for improvement in
ergonomics for the school community (students, teachers & administrators). We focus in
identifying improvement areas across school equipment, work, school
facilities/environment & the school organisation. This is a combination of community
research & using visual tools to understand how users interact with the environment.
School children spend most of their waking hours at school (approximately a quarter of the
day) mostly in the sitting position doing their school work activities such as reading and
Considering the amount of time spent by children in the sitting posture, school furniture has
a significant role in the maintenance of good sitting posture and should be designed to
promote it. Use of the furniture that promotes correct posture is more important to children
than to adults, because young age is the period when sitting habits are developed.
Non-ergonomically dimensioned furniture, unsuited to body dimensions may lead to bad
posture habits which may have a direct impact on the growth process because they are
likely to remain unchanged into adolescence or adulthood. Poor posture in school students
using school furniture is considered as one of the factors that may increase the risk of
developing musculoskeletal disorders, back, leg, arm, neck, shoulder and feet pain, loss of
concentration and restlessness in the attempt to find a better position.
ERGOCURE® @Schools will make recommendations on the right design & products for
school furniture.