Ergolife Workshop
ERGOLIFE® MIND-BODY-SOUL WORKSHOPS help the beautiful souls reveal the power of self-healing & achieve whatever they wish for -a healthy life, achievement of professional/relationship goals etc.The 2 engagement goals of this workshop:
Brain is the Master, Body is the Tool & Soul is the Power to help one achieve one’s goals. The workshop helps individuals fine tune all the 3 elements to achieve a significant balance.
Fine tuning is based on an unbeatable combination of science, philosophy & spirituality to overcome stress.
Our Promise is to move you— physically, emotionally and intellectually
ERGOLIFE® MIND-BODY-SOUL WORKSHOPS: Cover the following areas:
1. ERGOCARE®: Therapeutic intervention program covering preventive exercises for common lifestyle problems like back & neck pain, repetitive strain injuries.
2. ERGOLIFE® Brain Programming: Philosophies and techniques like the law of attraction and brain programming to help people believe that they need to, and can take charge of their life- whatever stage of life they are in.
3. ERGOLIFE® Spirituality: Scientific application of spiritual concepts, gives individuals a quick way of connecting with universe who has all the abundance to give them what they wish for.
Stress is nothing but an Internal reaction to external factors.Either the people, situation, painful memories or any other.
The controller- The brain controls the reactions in the form of tears/ anxiety/ depression / breathlessness / pains etc and goes on to manifest itself into various forms which we call diseases- like hypertension/ diabetes or even cancer.
If brain can release the hormones/ chemicals to give these diseases, we should take charge of the brain to control them too.
This workshop is a result of ongoing studies around body-healing and is a combination of scientific techniques, philosophy , spirituality, etc. They have been developed with over 20 year of experience in dealing with innumerable people with various mental and physical conditions, from varied backgrounds right from various countries, as a qualified rehabilitation consultant.